
Mourn with those who Mourn

I wrote this after wondering why I do this to myself sometimes: I just let myself sit and cry, and the grief isn’t always my own. Sometimes I’m crying for friends or family who are hurting, I’m crying for the church, or the world. It feels like a heavy cost, and I wonder what is the payoff? And then I remembered God’s upside-down kingdom, and our prayer to “Let your kingdom come.” Something in me stirred and I realized these tears are kingdom work. I can’t explain it, but this is me trying.

I invite Grief in to sit with me and weep.

Alone, with no one to hear or see,

I cry with those in mourning,

For the oppressed,

And for the suffering.

I know this weeping is good work, 

But I don’t know why. 

I know it keeps my heart soft,

My eyes open, my ears listening.

I know Grief is a friend of mine.

But Grief is more than just for me.

Grief is a warrior.

One who fights for the suffering.

And when I invite Grief in,

I am a warrior, too.

When I sit with the grief of others

I am advancing the kingdom of God.

My tears are doing battle.

I am alone with Grief,

But I am doing the work of God.

I can’t explain it,

But I know it’s good. 

My friendship with Grief is a gift.

A gift I will willingly share with others,

Even though it costs me.

Even when they don’t know,

I share this gift with others

Because I have nothing else to give. 

My tears are the widow’s mite, 

An offering to God.

I invite Grief in to sit with me and weep.

Alone, with no one to hear or see.

I cry with those who suffer,

For those who are oppressed,

And for those who mourn.