Harry Potter

Harry's Mistake

Originally, this post was supposed to be a simple one, just about my thoughts as I was listening to HP last night.  As I was writing, however, it became an in-depth analysis of cause and effect! It is a sad fact that in order for me to fall asleep at night, I need to be listening to one of my books on tape.  And for me "books on tape" means listening to my Harry Potter CDs.  I am currently in the middle of Book 4 (my favorite): Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.  And it occurred to me last night that Harry makes a small mistake with huge consequences!  Here's the situation...

Harry is on his way back to the Gryfindor dormitory late one night after spending a few hours in the prefect's bathroom to figure out his egg clue for the second task.  He checks his Marauder's Map to make sure the coast is clear, but sees something fishy: Bartemious Crouch is in Professor Snape's office!  Harry wonders what he is doing there because he is supposedly too unwell to work or come to any of the tournament events!  His curiosity overtakes him, and he decides to make his way to Snape's office to check it out.  Unfortunately, he doesn't pay attention to what he is doing and he puts his foot onto the trick step and is caught.  He drops his egg (and his map!), which causes a commotion and brings Snape and Filch to the scene.  Harry, while under his invisibility cloak, tries to reach the map with his wand to wipe it clean, but can't reach it from where he stands.  Eventually "Moody" joins as well, and he can see Harry due to his magical eye.  "Moody" sees the map on the step and points to it, mistakenly believing it to be Snape's, at which point Harry is able to sign to "Moody" to not let Snape pick it up.  "Moody" uses a summoning charm and he gets a hold of the map instead.  Harry does not get it back.

Do you see Harry's mistake?  I even added the emphasis to help!  If Harry had only used a summoning charm, instead of just trying to wipe the map clean, the whole course of the books would have changed!  We know that he can perform a summoning charm, as he had just used one very successfully in the first task.  He wouldn't have had to worry about anyone hearing him whisper the spell yet, as Filch had not yet arrived, and the egg was still wailing away anyway!

If Harry had used a summoning charm, grabbed the map, and been able to see it under his cloak while Filch and Snape were talking, he would have seen that the "Moody" who arrives at the scene, was not Moody at all!  It was actually Bartemious Crouch.  He would have been puzzled, sure, but he would not have known at this point that it was actually Barty Crouch, Jr.  He could have pointed it out on the spot to Snape and Filch, but he probably would have waited to discuss it with Ron and Hermione, or even Dumbledore.  In which case, the imposter Moody would have been caught long before he was ever able to send Harry to Voldemort.  Cedric would never have died, and Voldemort could never have used Harry's blood to come back!

It all sounds very good, but perhaps it wasn't a mistake after all.  If Voldemort could not have used Harry's blood to come back, he would have found another "enemy's" blood to use (as Wormtail had suggested).  Harry would never have been able to tell Dumbledore in all certainty that Voldemort was back, and Dumbledore would not have restarted the Order of the Pheonix.  Additionally, Voldemort would not have Harry's blood running through his veins, so in the very end, when Harry gives up his life, he would have been gone for good!

So at first, I really did believe that Harry made a fatal error in not using a summoning charm to retrieve his Marauder's Map.  But after a closer analysis, we can see that perhaps it was all for the best!  It saved Harry's life, leading to him being able to take down Voldemort once and for all.

All from one moment when Harry didn't use a spell.

I am sure if we examined it further, we could continue to trace out more and more effects from Harry's one action (or inaction).  But at this point, I think I'm done with it all!

This is it, I promise

As promised, I'd like to share my thoughts on the final book in the Harry Potter series. Just to warn those of you who have not read/finished the book yet, there will be spoilers ahead, so (if you care) you should probably stop reading now. Again, there will be Harry Potter spoilers ahead, for those of you who have not read the book. Some of you reading this will be thinking, "Uhm, you already said that." But those of you who are true fans will understand how important it is to stay uncorrupted by the spoilers I am about to give.

Now for some general comments.

Overall, I enjoyed the book. This really came as no surprise. I picked it up around 1:30am on Saturday (after waiting in a surprisingly long line for my area) and read through the night, stopping only for a couple hours sleep. Some books could not keep me awake as long as this one did, so I think that should show how engrossing the book was. I found the ending to be very sweet and actually much happier than even I suspected (and I didn't expect Harry to die). Fred's death was sad, but I think he died how he would have wanted to. I felt bad that Tonks and Lupin died, especially leaving their new baby.

I appreciated the epilogue and felt that just enough information was given to keep me satisfied, and enough left out to keep me wondering. What does Harry end up doing with his life? He doesn't work at Hogwarts, or he would have either been on the train, or already there. Does he work at the ministry? I'm sure he could easily have been Ministry of Magic? At first I thought this was improbable, given his dislike of the Ministry. But then I realized that he could change things and make a good difference. Plus, Dumbledore implied that while he felt he could never have dealt with that kind of power, Harry was man enough for the job.

I also found the name "Albus Severus" very poignant. What a sweet uniting of Gryffindor and Slytherin names, as well as two very great men.

OK, on to my predictions. I could kick myself for not including my "Snape was in love with Lily" prediction. I really did think that, but for some reason forgot to include it.

As to my prediction from "HP Part I", I honestly think the book would have been better if that's how it had ended. Obviously, Pettigrew's debt came into play a little bit, but not to the extent I thought it would. I found the "deathly hallows" to be superfluous and, as my friend pointed out, the end came down to "Harry being rubber and He Who Must Not be Named (screw it, Voldemort...that's right, they'll never get me) being glue so that the spell Voldemort cast merely bounced off of Harry and stuck to himself." Basically, it came down to luck. What if Harry hadn't defeated Malfoy to get his wand?

So that's it. The book would have been better if my prediction had been right, and the deathly hallows had not even been a part of it, but overall an excellent book.

HP Book Review... coming

I would like to comment on book 7, as it is probably the last time I will comment on Harry, except in passing reference.   (Did I just hear a cheer?)  But I am going to hold off, because I am sure there are still just a few people out there who have not yet read the book and I do not want to spoil it.  Plus, I am still digesting it myself.  Look for it in the next week or so!

A Tip for Other Bloggers

Ever wonder why you're not getting much traffic to your site?  Well, here is the secret:  Spend most of your time discussing the most popular topic of the time.  And what is bigger at this point than Harry Potter?  So if you want to get tons of traffic: Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Harry Potter

That should do it...

HP Predictions, Part II

These are just some other random thoughts, because I probably won't have time between now and tomorrow night to get all this down into specific theories. Why all the phoenix imagery around Dumbledore? Like when his tomb bursting into flames? Does that mean he's coming back to life?  I doubt it because he always made a point to say that Voldemort's greatest flaw was that he didn't realize that there are things that are worse than death and it's not a horrible thing to be mortal.  My general thoughts on this: We will see Dumbledore coming back to life through Harry.  In other words, Harry will become the only wizard that Voldemort ever feared, etc.  This is how Dumbledore will "rise from his ashes".

Why did D. finally gave Snape the defense against the dark arts job if he knew it was jinxed?  Perhaps, JKR simply overlooked this, or maybe it was a clue.  Did Dumbledore suspect Snape had gone bad and wanted him out?  Or did he know that things were drawing to a close?  And along those same lines, why did Snape want the job in the first place?  He must have known it was jinxed.

I kinda feel like Snape must be good, and Dumbledore had asked him to kill him to keep his unbreakable vow, if that's what it came down to.  (Remember the fight that was overheard between Dumbledore and Snape?)  I'm also thinking Draco might come around as well.  Often in the books we hear things like "once you are on the dark side, no one else matters to you." Well, Draco was trying to kill Dumbledore because Voldemort threatened to kill his parents.  Obviously he still has love in his heart.

My last thought is about Voldemort's end.  If my prediction in part I does not come true (and that's a big IF), I think that Voldemort will somehow have his soul sucked out by a dementor.  Remember that his greatest weakness is that he never realized there are things worse than death.  We are also told many times that living without a soul, due to a dementor's kiss, is worse than death.  Coincidence?

HP Predictions, Part I

In this week preceding the final book release, I am going to be posting some of my predictions for year 7.  I have purposely kept myself away from "rumors" and "leaks" of the book, so these predictions are 100% original to me.  That is not to say that other people have not come up with them, but I thought them through myself, and have not seen them anywhere else. Before I begin with my predictions, I want to warn you.  My first prediction that I am going to share is so good, I'm 99% sure it's actually going to happen.  So if you don't want to practically KNOW what's going to happen in the book, do not continue reading!  OK, so now that you all are assured of my brilliance (or maybe my prophetic power?), I will elaborate.

I do not think that Harry will die, and here's why.  Dumbledore has left Harry with one last protection that Harry doesn't even know about.  Keep in mind the magical transfer scenario that we have seen through the books (this is a term I use to help illustrate my point).  One example is when Harry's mom died for Harry, her sacrifice runs through him, which saved his life seconds later.  But once Voldemort gets Harry's blood to bring him back to life, Harry no longer has that protection, because now they have the same blood.

In book 3, Harry saves Pettigrew's life by having mercy on him instead of allowing Lupin and Sirius to kill him, therefore allowing Pettigrew to escape.  Dumbledore points out to Harry that Pettigrew now owes him and in his debt.  Harry says he can never imagine a time when he will want to have any sort of favor from Pettigrew.  Then, in book 4, yes, Voldemort gets Harry's blood, but he also receives Pettigrews FLESH.  The flesh that is only alive because of Harry's mercy.  Voldemort doesn't know that his faithful servant is in the debt of Harry Potter.  Pettigrew probably doesn't even realize it, but Dumbledore does.  Remember when he has a look of "triumph" when Harry is relating the events at the graveyard in book 4?  That always puzzled me, but I think it relates to this.  He saw the "magical transfer" that went from Harry's mom's blood sacrifice into Voldemort, so he must have realized that there would be another magical transfer: the debt that Pettigrew owes to Harry, Voldemort owes it now too.

So, all this to say that I think that Harry will live.  I think that once again he'll be face to face with Voldemort, having destroyed the other horcruxes.  Once again Voldemort will use the adavra kadvra curse, and once again it will reflect off Harry and onto him.  Only this time he will die because there are no more horcruxes.  I think JKR might let us believe Harry to be dead a couple chapters, but he won't be.

Harry Pottered Out

Between re-reading all the books, listening to them on CD on my way to and from work, discussing them with my husband as he reads them, and watching the movies every weekend, I must confess to being slightly tired of it all! Wow, I feel almost guilty saying that... I am a very adamant fan. So I am on a bit of a Harry Potter hiatus. For me, this will probably last a couple weeks. After all, as soon as Ryan finishes book 4, we will have to watch the movie! I will take the time now to catch up on Lord of the Rings (I have all those on audio CD too). I have started with The Hobbit and will continue through the end, watching the movies when I finish each one.

I have found that these types of epic books can be read over and over! The detail is absolutely incredible and I am amazed after reading and listening to The Hobbit many times that I don't even remember the whole story! The same is true for nearly all the Harry Potter books, especially the long ones. This does lead me to wonder if this says more about my memory than the detail of the books... Oh well, I will choose to believe the latter.

I think the reason for my attraction to these types of books is that they really are romantic in the true sense of the word. The characters are larger-than-life and there is a strong emphasis on the individuals and their personalities. The themes are similar in both sets of books as well: There is a chosen one who must do a certain deed to save the rest of the world. It's an interesting and appealing concept, and certainly not new. Many movies explore the same idea! But maybe one of the reasons for its appeal on my own behalf is that it is the same theme of the Bible. The entire Old Testament is the story of a people waiting for the One who will finally redeem them. He finally comes as an unlikely hero - most people don't even believe he will do the job. But His sacrifice does indeed save all of mankind - if we choose to accept it.

I could go on and on... but this certainly is not the place for an essay.

Anyway, even as I write this post I realize I will never be able to continue my hiatus. As much as I read, listen, and watch, I will never grow tired of Harry Potter! But I guess the break is good, so that when I begin listening again (probably around October), each book will carry the same magic for me (no pun intended) as the first time.



I love you, Harry!! (don't tell Ryan...)