Book Recommendation: Shy Willow

For many reasons, Shy Willow by Cat Min felt like the right choice for me to recommend today. It is the story of a shy bunny who does something very brave for someone else. I immediately related to the bunny who only wanted to stay home in her cozy mailbox house! But when a letter fell into her lap asking for help, she knew she had to leave her comfortable home to deliver the letter. Not only is it a sweet story, but the pictures are just enchanting and I could spend a while just looking through each one at all the details. Also, we just love bunnies in this house. (See below for a picture of our own little Easter bunny!)

From Amazon:

Willow is shy. VERY shy.

Her home is in an abandoned mailbox, and she'd rather stay put. Outside kids scream and soccer balls collide, trees look like monsters, and rain is noisy in a scary kind of way. It's much nicer to stay inside, drawing. But then a young boy drops a letter in Willow's mailbox: it's a note to the moon asking for a special favor. Willow knows that if she doesn't brave the world outside, the letter will never be delivered, and the boy will be heartbroken. Should she try? Can she?

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