Book Recommendation: Pi Day

I’m a little late with this recommendation for Pi Day (pi = 3.14), but file this one away for next March 14: A Pizza with Everything on It by Kyle Scheele and illustrated by Andy J. Pizza (I had to check out his website to find out if, indeed, he really went by the last name “Pizza”!).

My 9-year-old son absolutely loved this book, laughing all the way through it, and I’m pretty sure my 12-year-old cracked a smile as she pretended not to listen. This proves to me, once again, that the age ranges on picture books are meaningless (though Amazon says ages 3-7). This book is about a father and a son who add everything they can think of to the top of their pizza!

From Amazon:

It's a tale as old as time: a kid wants to make a pizza with his dad, but not just any pizza . . . he wants a pizza with everything on it. That's right, everything. But as the toppings pile on, this father-son duo accidentally create a pizza so delicious, so extravagant, so over-the-top, that it destroys the universe—and the cosmos go as dark as burnt crust. Will anyone enjoy pizza ever again?

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