Book Recommendation: This I Know

This I Know: Seeing God in the World He Made by Clay Anderson is another lovely picture book that I keep in the children’s library at our church. It uses the refrain from “Jesus Loves Me” to show how all of creation points to our good Creator on every beautifully illustrated page. For example, on a page full of sand and sea and dolphins it says “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the ocean tells me so.” The writing is sweet and written in verse, but it’s really the large full-color pictures that make this book so appealing!

From Amazon:

Have you noticed the fingerprints of God in the world around us? The creation tells us about its Creator. His beauty in the trees. His power in the thunder. His eternity in the night sky.

Join a young girl and her family on an unforgettable road trip. Witness the wonder of God's world. And see how all of creation confirms what the Bible tells us: Jesus loves me, this I know.

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