Book Recommendation: Author Natalie Lloyd

I have decided to add middle-grade fiction to my book recommendation blog posts. It is one of my favorite genres so I thought it might be useful to pass on some of my favorites.

The first books that come to mind are anything written by Natalie Lloyd. They are always incredibly sweet, with good characters and fun, original storylines. Usually the stories involve some magical/fantastical elements, but within the realm of our world. I would say her audience is probably late elementary/early middle-school aged girls. (I say girls because most of her protagonists are girls, though not all.)

These are the books of hers that I have read and recommend:

The Key to Extraordinary

Over the Moon (this one takes place in a fantasy world)

A Snicker of Magic

The Problim Children (several different narrators, both boys and girls)

Overall, these are all great books if you have a 10-12 year old girl, or if you are looking for a sweet, simple read yourself! If you or your child reads them, I always love to hear what you thought!

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