You Voice Matters

I was thinking recently of the freshman girl who was asked, her first week of college, “what’s unique about you?” And she answered “nothing. There is absolutely nothing special about me.” And she completely believed it.

Sometimes I grieve for that young girl, but I know there are good things to come.

I am so thankful for being transformed from that girl into the woman that I am now, who heard God say I am delightful, and can lean into that Name. (In my darker moments I find it hard to believe, but mostly I just marvel when I see it’s true.) I was recently surprised when I realized I could walk into a room with more confidence in my voice, knowing that I had something important to add to the conversation.

But perhaps, even more importantly, I’ve learned how much YOUR voice matters to me. I’m better if I listen to you, especially if your voice may sound different from mine.

If you don’t think your voice matters, trust me, it does. Your life experience, your expertise, your interests, all matter! So let’s just take the time to listen to other voices, and make sure they know they matter just as much as our own.