What's on the Book Pile? Moving Edition


We are in the process of a move and it’s made me realize something… we own a lot of books! Many of them have been read and loved and kept for that reason. But there are also many that have just been kept.

There is nothing I love more than a used bookstore with a huge “cozy mystery” section. I could browse there for hours! But usually I don’t have hours to make my selections, so I grab a few that look interesting and add them to my pile.

Hence the book pile, moving edition…

These are books randomly selected from the cozy mystery section of our favorite used bookstore. My guess is that these books will entertain me enough, but I won’t feel any need to keep them. The goal was to read this stack of books before moving.

So far I’ve only finished one. We move next week.

But I will finish the pile, even if it means moving the books with me! Find me on Goodreads to follow my progress.

Oh, and that one I’ve read is “Death in the Air” by Kate Kingsbury. I enjoyed it enough to add the rest of the series to my “Want to Read” shelf on Goodreads. Read my review here.